// Thank you for tuning into 2004 Sundance // Core Code 2 if(campaignTrail_temp.global_parameter_json[0].fields.question_count <= 25){ campaignTrail_temp.questions_json = JSON.parse("[{\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 393, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 0, \"description\": \"Let's step back a few years. Your successor, Fernando Ferrer, was sworn in as Mayor of New York.
Your heroism in the aftermath of September 11th has made you an international celebrity and the next Republican frontrunner. How will you channel your newfound status as a private citizen?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 366, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 1, \"description\": \"While you once looked unbeatable, the tough primary season has brought your campaign down to Earth. Now, you've lost to General Stan McChrystal in the Iowa caucus, and John McCain could take New Hampshire. What will you do to right the ship?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 369, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 1, \"description\": \"Although you won New Hampshire, Trent Lott's campaign poses a major threat in the South, and the primary race has become a dogfight, with McCain lurking behind.
Comments from Lott praising Strom Thurmond's 1948 campaign have resurfaced recently. Will you pour gas on the fire?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 350, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"The Republican National Convention is set to take place in sunny Miami; your nomination means the eyes of the world will be watching, given your global notoriety. What key points will you touch on in your acceptance speech?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 343, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"Your selection of Rick Santorum for Vice President has allayed concerns from evangelical voters, allowing the full breadth of the Republican right to come around to your candidacy. What about Santorum made you choose him?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 6, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 0, \"description\": \"'\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 7, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 0, \"description\": \"'\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 8, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 0, \"description\": \"'\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 9, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 0, \"description\": \"'\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 351, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"Sustained scrutiny over your record forced you into constant defense during the primary season. Now, the general election affords you the time to refocus your attention toward President Gore; what will be your main attack towards him?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 11, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 0, \"description\": \"'\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 12, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 0, \"description\": \"'\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 13, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 0, \"description\": \"'\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 14, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 0, \"description\": \"'\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 15, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 0, \"description\": \"'\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 16, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 0, \"description\": \"'\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 17, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 0, \"description\": \"'\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 18, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 0, \"description\": \"'\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 19, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 0, \"description\": \"'\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 20, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 0, \"description\": \"'\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 21, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 0, \"description\": \"'\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 22, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 0, \"description\": \"'\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 23, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 0, \"description\": \"'\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 1005, \"fields\": {\"priority\": -1, \"description\": \"At a recent campaign event, President Gore claimed that American forces are \\\"inches from catching Bin Laden.\\\" Your allies in the media have ridiculed his comment on cable news; how will you chime in?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 1006, \"fields\": {\"priority\": -1, \"description\": \"The race is coming to a close, as you battle to leave a final image in voters' heads. Where do you hope to spend the last days of the campaign?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}]"); } else { campaignTrail_temp.questions_json = JSON.parse("[{\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 393, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 0, \"description\": \"Let's step back a few years. Your successor, Fernando Ferrer, was sworn in as Mayor of New York.
Your heroism in the aftermath of September 11th has made you an international celebrity and the next Republican frontrunner. How will you channel your newfound status as a private citizen?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 366, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 1, \"description\": \"While you once looked unbeatable, the tough primary season has brought your campaign down to Earth. Now, you've lost to General Stan McChrystal in the Iowa caucus, and John McCain could take New Hampshire. What will you do to right the ship?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 369, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 1, \"description\": \"Although you won New Hampshire, Trent Lott's campaign poses a major threat in the South, and the primary race has become a dogfight, with McCain lurking behind.
Comments from Lott praising Strom Thurmond's 1948 campaign have resurfaced recently. Will you pour gas on the fire?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 350, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"The Republican National Convention is set to take place in sunny Miami; your nomination means the eyes of the world will be watching, given your global notoriety. What key points will you touch on in your acceptance speech?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 343, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"Your selection of Rick Santorum for Vice President has allayed concerns from evangelical voters, allowing the full breadth of the Republican right to come around to your candidacy. What about Santorum made you choose him?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 6, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 0, \"description\": \"'\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 7, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 0, \"description\": \"'\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 8, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 0, \"description\": \"'\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 9, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 0, \"description\": \"'\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 10, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 0, \"description\": \"'\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 351, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"Sustained scrutiny over your record forced you into constant defense during the primary season. Now, the general election affords you the time to refocus your attention toward President Gore; what will be your main attack towards him?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 11, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 0, \"description\": \"'\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 12, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 0, \"description\": \"'\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 13, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 0, \"description\": \"'\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 14, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 0, \"description\": \"'\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 15, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 0, \"description\": \"'\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 16, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 0, \"description\": \"'\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 17, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 0, \"description\": \"'\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 18, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 0, \"description\": \"'\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 19, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 0, \"description\": \"'\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 20, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 0, \"description\": \"'\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 21, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 0, \"description\": \"'\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 22, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 0, \"description\": \"'\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 23, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 0, \"description\": \"'\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 24, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 0, \"description\": \"'\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 25, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 0, \"description\": \"'\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 26, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 0, \"description\": \"'\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 27, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 0, \"description\": \"'\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 28, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 0, \"description\": \"'\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 1005, \"fields\": {\"priority\": -1, \"description\": \"At a recent campaign event, President Gore claimed that American forces are \\\"inches from catching Bin Laden.\\\" Your allies in the media have ridiculed his comment on cable news; how will you chime in?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 1006, \"fields\": {\"priority\": -1, \"description\": \"The race is coming to a close, as you battle to leave a final image in voters' heads. Where do you hope to spend the last days of the campaign?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}]"); } // BUNNYHOP // First block of questions q_list0 = [[348, "For the last three years, American forces have fought Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan.
Although the terrorist group, as well as the Taliban, have been sent scattering into the mountains, many are concerned that not enough is being done, and that it is happening too slowly. What is your response?"], [347, "During the primary campaign, you repeatedly criticized President Gore for the state of the economy, blaming him for the \"dot‑com\" crash and the resulting recession. What will be the main focus of your economic messaging in the general election?"], [344, "The primary campaign was an ugly affair, and attacks from candidates like Trent Lott and Joe Scarborough over your personal life and past positions still hold sway with much of the Republican base. How will you bring right-wing voters back around?"], [345, "Abortion has dogged your campaign since its inception. You faced plenty of flack over your \"pro-abortion\" track record during the primaries, while the Democrats revel in the opportunity to call you a flip-flopper. How will you thread the needle?"], [349, "The internet is a rapidly emerging medium for political activism; a recent survey shows nearly 3-in-10 voters under 30 get their campaign news online, and multiple of your primary opponents leveraged the \"netroots\" to gain momentum.
What will your online outreach look like?"]] // Second block of questions q_list1 = [[346, "While the issue has diminished in importance since September 11th, President Gore has passed many of his environmental initiatives, such as the Boxer-Dingell Act. He now proposes limits on oil drilling. What do you think about all this?"], [388, "Gay marriage is a hot button issue, and your position on it is a pain point with social conservatives; your support of same-sex civil unions as mayor faced heavy attacks during the primaries. What is your actual stance on gay marriage?"], [374, "During your campaign, you've laid out plans for an expanded \"War on Terror\" that you would pursue if elected president: another troop surge in Afghanistan to hold the fort down, and a stronger stance against Saddam Hussein in Iraq.
How will you talk about counter-terrorism on the trail?"], [362, "Many pundits and media figures have hounded you over the years about your personal life; this campaign is no different, as they renew their focus on your recent second divorce. Is there any way you want to finally put this mess to bed?"], [365, "Nearly 3 in 10 Americans say they have been unable to afford medical care at some point since 2003. Al Gore responded with the Patient's Bill of Rights -- which you and other Republicans oppose -- but what does your own healthcare plan look like?"], [359, "So far, you've remained fairly moot on education -- your record on education as mayor was one of failure, and Gore's \"No Child Left Behind\" package remains popular. Will your attitude on education change in the general election?"]] // 2 questions that *will* appear in undefined order q_list2 = [[358, "How will you approach the upcoming series of three televised debates? They will afford you a rare chance to directly confront Al Gore on the political and personal issues that have persisted through this campaign."], [372, "Unlike your domestic approval, your support globally hasn't wavered. You're still beloved from Tokyo to Rio de Janeiro, and it's considered one of your biggest assets politically.
Where would you like to take a brief foreign trip before the tail end of the campaign?"]] // Final block of questions q_list3 = [[355, "As the Assault Weapons Ban expires, gun control has re-emerged as an issue -- one where you've pivoted hard in recent years. Your previous support of the ban caused major controversy during the primaries. What is your current stance on gun control?"], [364, "The Wall Street Journal published a report today uncovering various Gore administration grants authorized to fund solar and wind farms in Afghanistan through the Boxer-Dingell Act.
This has come under heavy scrutiny from the right. Do you have anything to add?"], [389, "Afghan officials have informally agreed to protect local opium fields, mainly out of fear of angering locals by destroying their crops. This policy has faced heavy criticism and scrutiny since it was uncovered -- would you like to add on to the discussion?"], [352, "Russian president Vladimir Putin publicly called out Al Gore for staying his hand in the Chechnya campaign after terrorists overtook an elementary school in the town of Beslan, killing 100 innocent parents and children.
Putin's claims about Al-Qaeda activity in the area have spread like wildfire. Do you agree with his statements?"], [384, "Although it hasn't been central to the campaign, Republicans have tried to push immigration into the discussion, hoping to use it as a \"wedge issue\" against President Gore. During the primaries, your plan was frequently decried as a form of amnesty by your challengers. What will you say about immigration policy?"], [381, "Last year, you tepidly supported President Gore's Muslim-American hate crime legislation, despite speaking out against some provisions as recently as last spring. With your allies in the media attacking the law, will you bring it up as well?"], [1003, "The Gore administration has been reluctant to build a national missile defense system, claiming it would be impossible to build, and that doing so would involve scrapping the ABM Treaty with Russia. What would you do about missile defense if elected?"], [1004, "With national morale down after the September 11th attacks, you recently proposed to make America \"think big again\" by sending astronauts to the surface of Mars by 2014. Why did you make that pledge?"]] // 2 questions that *will* appear in undefined order q_list4 = [[1001, "\"9/11 First Responders for Truth,\" a liberal outside group, is airing ads in several swing states accusing you of abandoning Ground Zero first responders still ailing from health issues, and poorly preparing New York for an attack.
These ads are really stirring a fuss on cable news; how will you defend yourself?"], [1002, "Recently, internet sleuths have resurfaced comments published by Allentown's Morning Call newspaper, in which Senator Santorum claimed gay marriage was an issue \"brought on us\" like 9/11. These remarks have entered mainstream discussion, fueling a growing debate about your running mate's history of gaffes. What will you do about this?"]] // Shuffle function (only understand that it works) function shuffle(ar) { for (let i = ar.length - 1; i > 0; i--) { const j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));[ar[i], ar[j]] = [ar[j], ar[i]]; } return ar; }; // Implementation shuffle(q_list0); shuffle(q_list1); // Keeps question about Rudy's personal life guaranteed if(campaignTrail_temp.global_parameter_json[0].fields.question_count <= 25){ for(let i = 4; i <= 5; i++){if(q_list1[i][0]==362){let par = Math.round(Math.random() * 3);[q_list1[par], q_list1[i]] = [q_list1[i], q_list1[par]]}}; } shuffle(q_list2); shuffle(q_list3); shuffle(q_list4); // Placing of questions if(campaignTrail_temp.global_parameter_json[0].fields.question_count <= 25){ for(let i = 0; i < 4; i++){campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[i+5].pk = q_list0[i][0]; campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[i+5].fields["description"] = q_list0[i][1];}; for(let i = 0; i < 4; i++){campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[i+10].pk = q_list1[i][0]; campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[i+10].fields["description"] = q_list1[i][1];}; for(let i = 0; i < 2; i++){campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[i+14].pk = q_list2[i][0]; campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[i+14].fields["description"] = q_list2[i][1];}; for(let i = 0; i < 3; i++){campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[i+16].pk = q_list3[i][0]; campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[i+16].fields["description"] = q_list3[i][1];}; for(let i = 0; i < 2; i++){campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[i+21].pk = q_list3[i+3][0]; campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[i+21].fields["description"] = q_list3[i+3][1];}; for(let i = 0; i < 2; i++){campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[i+19].pk = q_list4[i][0]; campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[i+19].fields["description"] = q_list4[i][1];}; } else { for(let i = 0; i < 5; i++){campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[i+5].pk = q_list0[i][0]; campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[i+5].fields["description"] = q_list0[i][1];}; for(let i = 0; i < 6; i++){campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[i+11].pk = q_list1[i][0]; campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[i+11].fields["description"] = q_list1[i][1];}; for(let i = 0; i < 2; i++){campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[i+17].pk = q_list2[i][0]; campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[i+17].fields["description"] = q_list2[i][1];}; for(let i = 0; i < 6; i++){campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[i+19].pk = q_list3[i][0]; campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[i+19].fields["description"] = q_list3[i][1];}; for(let i = 0; i < 2; i++){campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[i+27].pk = q_list3[i+6][0]; campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[i+27].fields["description"] = q_list3[i+6][1];}; for(let i = 0; i < 2; i++){campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[i+25].pk = q_list4[i][0]; campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[i+25].fields["description"] = q_list4[i][1];}; } console.log("šŸ°") campaignTrail_temp.answers_json = JSON.parse("[{\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3312, \"fields\": {\"question\": 343, \"description\": \"They've been bugging me about the right for the past few weeks, I guess it really got to me. Party unity, we really need to be a united front if we're going to win this thing. I stand with all members of the Republican Party.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3345, \"fields\": {\"question\": 352, \"description\": \"Al Gore is a complete hypocrite. I don't agree with everything President Putin has said on this, of course, but what right do we have to say who has terrorists and who doesn't? Why are we allowed to let Al-Qaeda slip by because it's in Russia?\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3310, \"fields\": {\"question\": 343, \"description\": \"With all of the slander that went around, people forgot I really do love God. I'm a man of God, and picking Rick Santorum is proof of that. He might be the most faithful man in politics.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3311, \"fields\": {\"question\": 343, \"description\": \"Republicans need to reclaim the Midwest. I'm not polling too hot there, and Gore just has something they like. Rick Santorum shares their values and understands them better than Al Gore could ever hope to.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3314, \"fields\": {\"question\": 344, \"description\": \"After all that primary talk, none of these conservative guys will listen to me. They don't trust me. They love Senator Santorum though, he can really speak to these people in a way that I couldn't hope to. If he can preach the good word for us, we can come through here.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3315, \"fields\": {\"question\": 344, \"description\": \"We're the only ones in this election who can catch Osama bin Laden, we're the only ones who can recharge the American economy left in tatters by Al Gore, and we're the only ones who are putting your family first before any political agenda. Politics is about policy and we stand for conservatism.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3316, \"fields\": {\"question\": 344, \"description\": \"We've been out here every day preaching the good word on conservative politics. I think you'd have to be blind or stupid to not understand we're the viable conservative candidate this year. What do these people think pivoting is?\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3317, \"fields\": {\"question\": 344, \"description\": \"I'll be the bigger man here. Call up Lott, tell him we can hash out our little scuffle, and hopefully put it behind us so that Republicans can win. Scarborough? Not a chance in hell after the shit he threw at us.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3318, \"fields\": {\"question\": 345, \"description\": \"Like any good Christian, I'm personally pro-life. That's not to say we can force that on everyone, of course, it's clearly a state-by-state issue, as anything so personally close to us should be.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3319, \"fields\": {\"question\": 345, \"description\": \"Why is this an issue? I don't get it? I support the median position on abortion, the common restrictions that any sane person would support. Only if the woman is in danger or the baby will die.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3320, \"fields\": {\"question\": 345, \"description\": \"I was Mayor of New York back then, it's a very different place than Idaho or Nebraska. The people there are very liberal, and it was a very different time. Things are changing, people are beginning to wake up on this issue, and I'm one of them.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3321, \"fields\": {\"question\": 345, \"description\": \"Abortion is important, you know, I love our unborn children, but look how Gore's failing our grown children that he's forcing to rebuild Afghanistan. We need to take out Bin Laden and get them home.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3322, \"fields\": {\"question\": 346, \"description\": \"9/11 proved that we need to drill more than ever. America should always be ready to depend on its own energy supply if need-be. I don't understand why any pro-American president would hold American ingenuity back. \"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3323, \"fields\": {\"question\": 346, \"description\": \"This isn't about oil drilling, this is something far bigger. Al Gore is backdooring the United States into the Kyoto Protocol, despite Congress saying no. It's almost treason when you think about it.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3324, \"fields\": {\"question\": 346, \"description\": \"I support the environment, us New Yorkers know better than anyone else what it's like to have the streets filled with smoke and dust. However, that doesn't mean we should shoot our own country in the foot in the pursuit of some arbitrary goal.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3325, \"fields\": {\"question\": 346, \"description\": \"They're talking about millions of new jobs, but I don't buy that for a second. I'm going to do a small tour through the coal belt -- Kentucky, Ohio, West Virginia -- and ask them how many good jobs they're really gaining from this.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3326, \"fields\": {\"question\": 347, \"description\": \"It's not just Al Gore. I mean, let's really think about who's lead he's following, that being Bill Clinton. It's the Clinton economy, and his disastrous decisions are finally starting to hurt the everyday American people. It's not too late to change lanes!\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3327, \"fields\": {\"question\": 347, \"description\": \"Back in New York, when Democrats had sent the economy down a death spiral, we managed to save the city by passing tax cuts. It's simple economics, we'll let the people keep their money.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3328, \"fields\": {\"question\": 347, \"description\": \"We all know the stock market would surge if we just caught Bin Laden and destroyed Al-Qaeda. Whenever a national victory happens, the economy starts flying. So why doesn't Gore just commit to catching Osama?\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3330, \"fields\": {\"question\": 348, \"description\": \"Under the Gore administration, we're trying to build an entirely new nation out of a few terrorist-run villages, but if you vote for us, we'll turn this war into what it really should be: a crusade against terror. We need to destroy these groups for good, and then come home.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3331, \"fields\": {\"question\": 348, \"description\": \"We've been here for nearly three years, and Osama bin Laden is still living his best life. What the hell? When did this war turn into some UN peacekeeping mission to rebuild Afghanistan? Gore hasn't caught Bin Laden, but I'll do it in year one.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3332, \"fields\": {\"question\": 348, \"description\": \"It's not just about Afghanistan, there are terrorists popping up everywhere. We're hearing about big things in both Iraq, where Saddam Hussein remains a major threat to our way of life, and Iran, a state sponsor of terror.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3333, \"fields\": {\"question\": 349, \"description\": \"This could be revolutionary for fundraising, we can rack in a load of money online. Small donors, from the comfort of their own home. The big donors can send a lot as well. It's something special.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3334, \"fields\": {\"question\": 349, \"description\": \"We can put a lot of ads on here. All sorts of amazing videos that only people on our website can view. It's a lot more dependable than just praying they see a TV ad. A video for every issue, Gore can't compete with that.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3335, \"fields\": {\"question\": 349, \"description\": \"There's a lot of conservatives online, especially young conservatives with a lot to say. I'll connect with them, get them on our side, and they'll do all our advertising for free. It's like an army with unlimited reach. \"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3336, \"fields\": {\"question\": 349, \"description\": \"No thanks, I'm not going to let Gore and his people run free on the networks while we reach out to people who don't vote. We'll do the full thing, go on every major network every few days. That's what you call outreach.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3337, \"fields\": {\"question\": 350, \"description\": \"Three years ago, America was under attack. Thousands of New Yorkers, and many other innocent people from around the world, were wounded by foreign terrorists. As Mayor of New York City, we rose to the occasion, just as we must now.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3338, \"fields\": {\"question\": 350, \"description\": \"Al Gore has shown zero regard for American morals. The Democrats have made it clear they will continue to push their liberal agenda on our families, and this election is our final stand.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3339, \"fields\": {\"question\": 350, \"description\": \"It's been a long time since we went into Afghanistan, and Osama bin Laden is still a free man. Let's send a message to the White House that the American people won't accept anything less than Al-Qaeda's total elimination.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3340, \"fields\": {\"question\": 350, \"description\": \"Al Gore has a proven track record of failure and ill-will against his own people. We need a president who loves America, and I've lived the American dream. We won't stand for a subpar war and sputtering economy any longer.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3341, \"fields\": {\"question\": 351, \"description\": \"He thinks I'm only here to talk about the war, and while it's clearly important, we can easily catch him off guard by talking about the economy. It's in shambles because of him and Clinton. We're bringing it back to the Reagan golden age.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3342, \"fields\": {\"question\": 351, \"description\": \"Al Gore is completely failing the thousands of young men and women we have in Afghanistan. We haven't won the war, in fact it feels like Osama bin Laden is safer than ever. This is an election about winning the war.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3343, \"fields\": {\"question\": 351, \"description\": \"Who is the President? Gore hasn't given us much reason to think of him as anything more than a mouthpiece for Hillary and Bill Clinton. Has anything changed for the better over the last four years? I'm a self-made man.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3344, \"fields\": {\"question\": 352, \"description\": \"Condi's telling me not to talk about this, and I think she might have the right idea on this one. It's not my problem, we'll just wait and see what Gore does. I hope he makes a smart choice.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3346, \"fields\": {\"question\": 352, \"description\": \"No. We're not going to talk about this. Something about it leaves a bad taste in my mouth, but if some of our inclined friends within the party go into the media and talk about it, I won't mind.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3355, \"fields\": {\"question\": 355, \"description\": \"Every state is different. I don't see how you can apply the same broad mandate on New York and Wyoming, it's virtually a different world! Each individual state should look at the facts and make these decisions on their own.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3356, \"fields\": {\"question\": 355, \"description\": \"It's a vague question. What is gun control? Are we talking about assault weapons? Handguns? I think it's all dependent on the topic. As Mayor of New York City I took it on a topic-to-topic basis, which is what we should do now.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3357, \"fields\": {\"question\": 355, \"description\": \"When I supported gun control I was mayor of a city on the verge of total anarchy. It was crime ridden, disastrous, a nasty place that needed that kind of extreme action. The entire country isn't like New York was back then, and we need to realize that.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3358, \"fields\": {\"question\": 355, \"description\": \"This is yet another issue resolved during the primary that the Gore team has tried to relitigate. Doesn't he have a single original thought up there? He shouldn't act innocent here either, Gore's switched his angles here before.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3366, \"fields\": {\"question\": 358, \"description\": \"The last few months have amounted to a political hit job on my entire career. I'm going to go there in order to set the record straight, tell the truth about Gore, and ask him directly about why he's lied about me so much.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3367, \"fields\": {\"question\": 358, \"description\": \"The media has been wrongly making me out to be some sort of freak. I'm a normal politician who happens to tell the truth, and they'll see that at the debate. I'll go there and act calm and collected, like a president.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3368, \"fields\": {\"question\": 358, \"description\": \"It's the issues. This is our big chance to try and sell our policy to the American people. It's an opportunity to show that I'm a conservative who just wants to bring our country together. Our common sense politics will trump Al Gore.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3369, \"fields\": {\"question\": 358, \"description\": \"It was the debates that killed President Bush. Hell, even when Dole won the debate, they said he lost it. These things are a formality, you know, it's a fairly new practice. I don't know if I can really trust the media when they've been pushing our opponent's slander.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3370, \"fields\": {\"question\": 359, \"description\": \"In the last three years, Gore has tried to touch everything from healthcare to education to the climate. He's doing everything at once, which means none of it is working at all. Hey Al, slow down!\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3371, \"fields\": {\"question\": 359, \"description\": \"I'd like to correct the record; we weren't able to fix the schools in New York because of the crime and poverty, which we then stopped so we could help the schools. By the time we finished with all the crime, 9/11 happened. We didn't have time, but I will as president.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3372, \"fields\": {\"question\": 359, \"description\": \"If we give the choice to parents, where they can choose a private school, a parochial school, a public school, a charter school, home schooling, let them be the decider. We'll see a big revolution in education.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3373, \"fields\": {\"question\": 359, \"description\": \"This is all nice and all, but you know what's missing? God. God is missing from our schools. The package included basically everything you could dream of, except for what America needs most. I pledge to bring God back into our children's lives.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3381, \"fields\": {\"question\": 362, \"description\": \"Jesus Christ. We had an entire primary to talk about this, and apparently every other conscious decision I've ever made. There's nothing to talk about that hasn't already been reported by the tabloids or CNN.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3382, \"fields\": {\"question\": 362, \"description\": \"It was all mutual, those divorces. First and second one both. We split on very decent terms and it's not an issue in the grand scheme of things. I mean, look at my current wife, she's great.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3383, \"fields\": {\"question\": 362, \"description\": \"Is this what we're doing? Does Gore really want to go there? He's still all buddy-buddy with Bill Clinton, who got impeached for cheating on his wife a ton of times and then lying to the American people. I don't see any dignity in that.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3384, \"fields\": {\"question\": 362, \"description\": \"It's about the policy. Republicans support morality and the family unit, Al Gore pushes for liberal social policy that would completely distort what American life even means. There's a canyon of difference between us.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3388, \"fields\": {\"question\": 364, \"description\": \"This war is about catching Osama bin Laden, who killed thousands of innocent people and is continuing to rack up his kill count. We need to end this terror by going in there and getting him. But what is Gore doing? Preaching the green agenda in Afghanistan.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3389, \"fields\": {\"question\": 364, \"description\": \"There's a whole agenda of national security issues I'd love to talk about, we'll leave the dirty crap to those media guys like Limbaugh and O'Reilly. I don't need to talk about it if every Fox viewer is having it shoved down their throats.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3390, \"fields\": {\"question\": 365, \"description\": \"Let's call it what it is, the Democratic healthcare plan is socialized medicine. It's a complete takeover of private business, a very hostile takeover at that. Some people even compare it to Cuban communism. Scary stuff.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3391, \"fields\": {\"question\": 365, \"description\": \"It's completely un-American, isn't it? The second we get in this is getting watered down until you can't taste the socialism. This is a free country, and I won't stand for strangling the good companies taking care of millions of Americans.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3392, \"fields\": {\"question\": 365, \"description\": \"Government cannot take care of you. You've got to take care of yourself. This is to say, if the American people took more care of themselves, maybe this wouldn't be a problem. I got cancer a few years back, and I took care of myself, and I'm all fine now.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3393, \"fields\": {\"question\": 366, \"description\": \"We can't go like this any longer. Get someone new, let's reboot our campaign. I want everyone in New Hampshire gone. We need new blood out there, get Steve Schmidt out from Nevada. He can right the ship.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3394, \"fields\": {\"question\": 366, \"description\": \"This is all just a small ideological misunderstanding. Republican voters still think I'm some liberal, I'm not. We'll go into New Hampshire and make it clear this is a conservative campaign.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3395, \"fields\": {\"question\": 366, \"description\": \"I'll barnstorm New Hampshire. It's just that simple, right? They haven't seen me that much, personally anyway. In fact, let's camp out there until the second the polls close.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3396, \"fields\": {\"question\": 366, \"description\": \"We lost Iowa because of those absolute...ly nice moderates running like Lugar and Cellucci splitting the vote. I'll give them a cordial call, to see if we can get them on our side.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3405, \"fields\": {\"question\": 369, \"description\": \"This is just disgusting. I understand respecting your mentor but praising his racist campaign is revolting. I supported great men like Jack and Bobby Kennedy, men who we should actually be modeling ourselves on.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3406, \"fields\": {\"question\": 369, \"description\": \"The media has this covered. I would love to say something, but I don't want to risk raising the vitriol I get from conservative activists.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3407, \"fields\": {\"question\": 369, \"description\": \"I don't know anything about this leak, I really don't. I do think it'd be a real disappointment if this election kept being dogged by small gaffes rather than issues like terrorism and national security.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3408, \"fields\": {\"question\": 369, \"description\": \"This guy spends months digging into my personal life -- where I was completely cleared of all wrongdoing, by the way -- and this whole time he was praising segregationists. Isn't that just a bit hypocritical?\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3482, \"fields\": {\"question\": 389, \"description\": \"I wonder if the name Osama bin Laden rings a bell to the president. He's the guy we're in Afghanistan to capture. He's the reason we sent our sons into war. For whatever reason, we've abandoned that mission in favor of aiding the Afghan opium industry.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3417, \"fields\": {\"question\": 372, \"description\": \"Jacques Chirac has been a good friend of mine since 9/11, and the French people love me. I'm going to head to Paris and spend a nice day with our closest allies, something Al Gore could only dream of.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3418, \"fields\": {\"question\": 372, \"description\": \"Gore has been coddling some really bad people in the Middle East over the last few years, like Iran. The Democrats have forgotten that our only ally in the area is Israel. Let's go meet up with Ariel Sharon.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3419, \"fields\": {\"question\": 372, \"description\": \"It's always good to return to your roots. So many Americans can trace their legacy to a country where their ancestors left to pursue the American dream. Al Gore can't do that, sadly, but we can. I'll be going to Italy.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3420, \"fields\": {\"question\": 372, \"description\": \"I'm going to head down to Mexico, where I helped the Mexico City police bring down their terrifying crime rates a few years ago, and talk with Vicente Fox about the important issues. Trade, immigration, crime, stuff Gore wouldn't talk about.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3425, \"fields\": {\"question\": 374, \"description\": \"We can end this in a year. We could go in there, completely dismantle these terrorist groups for good, catch Osama, and then get our sons home. I seriously don't understand what the hold up is.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3426, \"fields\": {\"question\": 374, \"description\": \"It's a commitment problem. Why won't Gore commit to winning the war? If we elect a president who wants to win this war, we'll win the war, it's as simple as that. He's too afraid to get dirty, but I'm very willing.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3427, \"fields\": {\"question\": 374, \"description\": \"Saddam is a major problem. You know who just went out there and said that? Gore and Lieberman. And now they're attacking me for saying what they said. He's a major terrorist supporter and is trying to get dangerous weapons.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3428, \"fields\": {\"question\": 374, \"description\": \"You want peace? Let's finish the war. The most peaceful option, and the only way to get your sons home is to support a major troop surge. As I keep saying, if we can go in, we can sweep clean and win this for good.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3453, \"fields\": {\"question\": 381, \"description\": \"No thanks. I'm not interested in getting dragged into some useless fight when this election is about the war and the economy. We'll let the talking heads do their normal business.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3454, \"fields\": {\"question\": 381, \"description\": \"You'd never have seen something like 9/11 happen under a Republican president. It's really only something that could happen under Clinton or Gore. If George Bush was president, I think we'd be a lot better off.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3455, \"fields\": {\"question\": 381, \"description\": \"This bill does protect terrorists. I'm not saying all Arabs are terrorists, but there happens to be an overlap there. It's a real sad fact but it's true. I think it hurts our ability to catch terrorists before they commit crimes.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3456, \"fields\": {\"question\": 381, \"description\": \"We need to bring America back, but only I can do that. New York is one of the most diverse places in the world, I can connect to anyone of any color. Gore is at war with Christianity and Islam at the same time.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3464, \"fields\": {\"question\": 384, \"description\": \"It's not amnesty. It's just not. They have to wait in lines, they have to pay fees. How is that amnesty? Our plan is stronger than the Gore policy of letting them stay here for free and then some.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3465, \"fields\": {\"question\": 384, \"description\": \"Anything would be a step up from the current policy. Congressional Democrats have zero interest in any sort of stance that isn't egregiously anti-border. They're all just virtue signaling.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3466, \"fields\": {\"question\": 384, \"description\": \"In what world is a border fence and high-tech identification amnesty? We're strengthening our security here, these ideas are innovative. It's not amnesty, it's common sense.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3467, \"fields\": {\"question\": 384, \"description\": \"There's a lot of illegal immigrants. I think, if they want to stay here, they should be subject to a self-identification process. They'd have to be photographed, fingerprinted and pay taxes on their wages.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3478, \"fields\": {\"question\": 388, \"description\": \"I was Mayor of New York City, you know, it's a pretty liberal city! It's not like I lived with a gay family or anything like that, I just lived in a city where a lot of people preferred alternative lifestyles. It's not that hard to understand.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3479, \"fields\": {\"question\": 388, \"description\": \"It's New York, it's not me. I know marriage is between a man and a woman, I've never said a single thing against that idea. In fact, I support legislation putting that into the law books. I couldn't do that as Mayor, but I can as President.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3480, \"fields\": {\"question\": 388, \"description\": \"Why is it always about me? I mean, seriously, Al Gore might be the most queer... supporting President in history. He's the candidate for the homosexuals, and they'll all vote for him. That says enough about that.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3481, \"fields\": {\"question\": 389, \"description\": \"It's one thing to coddle these drug dealers at home with weak on crime policy, but an entirely different thing to defend them internationally. How many times do we need to talk about our goals here? Is the president listening?\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3483, \"fields\": {\"question\": 389, \"description\": \"We're getting rid of it on day one. I don't give a damn if it's informal. It's aiding terrorists and drug dealers and completely irrelevant to our goals there. On top of that, it's entirely inappropriate.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3493, \"fields\": {\"question\": 393, \"description\": \"I've made a lot of new friends over the last few months. Not just within the United States, but internationally. I'm going to do a huge world tour, we'll get pictures with every foreign leader we can.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3494, \"fields\": {\"question\": 393, \"description\": \"New Yorkers loved my radio show when I was Mayor. We'll keep it going. I'll talk about the issues as they come, and, you know, cement myself as a major force of opposition to the White House.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2001, \"fields\": {\"question\": 393, \"description\": \"We have a lot of ground with Republicans to make up. Conservatives don't trust me right now, but if I put myself out there during the midterms we should be able to get a stake with them before 2004.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2002, \"fields\": {\"question\": 393, \"description\": \"It's about the mythos, the dream, the New York ideals. I'm the hero of 9/11, and I'm not going to let them forget about that for a single damn second. No point in throwing partisan dirt on it.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2003, \"fields\": {\"question\": 348, \"description\": \"America cannot get bogged down. It's unacceptable. If we're stuck, then there's only one thing we can really do, right? Troop surge. We need to flush it out with more soldiers.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2004, \"fields\": {\"question\": 351, \"description\": \"Let's turn this entire personal life thing around. I'm a genuine child of the American dream. I started from nothing, dirt poor, surrounded by crime, and managed to not only dig myself out of that, but become America's Mayor. Gore is nothing but a child of nepotism.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2005, \"fields\": {\"question\": 388, \"description\": \"I don't think it's about the gays. That's a whole different topic. The issue here is that these states are subverting the general public for their social agenda. It's deeply disturbing and pretty anti-democratic.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2006, \"fields\": {\"question\": 365, \"description\": \"We'll do tax credits that the American people can invest into private healthcare. That's how you solve problems with less government rather than more. That's the American way, the direct opposite of Gore's approach.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2007, \"fields\": {\"question\": 364, \"description\": \"Let's ignore how insane this is for a second. You know what it proves? Gore is in the middle of a crusade against American energy. We need more drilling, not solar panels on the White House roof.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2008, \"fields\": {\"question\": 389, \"description\": \"The Afghans can protect whatever they want, but I promise that no American soldier is protecting an opium field in a Giuliani administration. What's the next move, protect the weed dealers when a city has riots?\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2009, \"fields\": {\"question\": 352, \"description\": \"It's up in the air if Al-Qaeda is in there, of course, but that's honestly besides the point. America is currently condemning a country for fighting against terrorism. It's bad manners, bad foreign policy, and proof Gore's forgotten why we're fighting this.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2101, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1001, \"description\": \"I have a thick skull, I've taken a lot of undue attacks over the last few years, but this is complete hogwash. This is disrespectful to all the actual victims of 9/11 and I refuse to believe any self-respecting New Yorker produced these ads.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2102, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1001, \"description\": \"Gore needs to condemn this. I don't give a damn if his campaign was involved in its production, he needs to go out there and say it's completely wrong. I can't believe they'd sully my good name like this.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2103, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1001, \"description\": \"Nobody will buy into this garbage. These two-bit ads aren't going to ruin decades of goodwill, or my standing with the American people. They're trying to piss me off, but I won't flinch at this shit.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2104, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1001, \"description\": \"My fault? Clinton and Gore had the power to stop the attack, they were the ones in office. I think it's completely unreasonable to blame me, the mayor who is already dealing with a bunch of other issues, for a major terrorist attack that should have been handled by the federal government.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2105, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1002, \"description\": \"These comments are completely taken out of context. He was talking about the overreach within the court system relating to gay marriage, how they took the battle to us and we didn't start the fight. I disagree with it, but you know, it's not as bad as they're saying.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2106, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1002, \"description\": \"I don't think he said this. They're saying he said it, but that doesn't make it true. The media has been making up these kinds of quotes about me as well. The amount of bias from some in the liberal media has been terrible.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2107, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1002, \"description\": \"I think, when you look at the supposed quote beyond what they're reporting, then it's actually pretty true. The courts are taking the fight to the people, and now we have to fight back. I stand firmly behind Rick.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2108, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1003, \"description\": \"It's not impossible. It's not. Al Gore just doesn't have the will to spend money on something that isn't solar panels or hydrogen cars. If the Democrats are going to steal your tax dollars, they should spend it on something useful.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2109, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1003, \"description\": \"We need to withdraw from the ABM Treaty. It puts millions of innocent Americans at risk, while kowtowing to Russia. We shouldn't be trading away our defense so Gore can save face.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2110, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1003, \"description\": \"Al Gore doesn't seem like he can commit to much these days. Whether it's fighting Saddam, or missile defense, or catching Bin Laden. Our guys could produce a great ad on this. It's the simple truth.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2111, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1003, \"description\": \"He calls it a pipe dream, but I think he's dreaming too small. Israel is planning its own missile defense system right now. Why can't we build one of our own? He doesn't understand that America still dreams of great things.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2112, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1004, \"description\": \"My greatest heroes were President Kennedy and his amazing brother Bobby. They understood that Americans could dream of something greater than themselves. This is what restoring the American dream means, and I'll make damn sure we get there by 2014.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2113, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1004, \"description\": \"Really, I said 2014 as an aspiration. We have a lot on the menu. A lot of messes to clean up because of this administration, both domestically and abroad. I am completely committed to the goal, though.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2114, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1004, \"description\": \"I'm sick and tired of people saying \\\"no\\\" to good ideas. We're going to stomp out the terrorists, we're going to find Bin Laden, we're going to go back to the moon, and then Mars as well. Let's stop doubting ourselves.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2115, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1005, \"description\": \"He's dangling victory in our faces for his political gain. I do hope we're close to catching Bin Laden, but if we are, then why the hell are we telling him? We shouldn't give terrorists forewarning.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2116, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1005, \"description\": \"When we're in office, I won't be telling the terrorists that we're on their doorstep. That's just me though. How will we answer the world if Osama gets away? How will we apologize?\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2117, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1005, \"description\": \"I'm completely disgusted, on behalf of our brave sons in Afghanistan. I'm sorry that man is using your sacrifice for his own political gain. He doesn't respect the troops, he's just using them as a tool for his own re-election.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2118, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1005, \"description\": \"I'll say this one last time. I don't know how it's taken us three years to understand that if we just go in there, bomb them out, and capture Bin Laden, we'll be out of there within the year. It's almost like we're delaying victory on purpose.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2119, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1006, \"description\": \"I think everyone remembers the nightmare that unfolded in Florida four years ago. I don't think, regardless of who wins it, anyone wants a repeat of that. I'll go down there and tour the state with Governor Bush and other big names.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2120, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1006, \"description\": \"The polls are skewed against us, from what I've seen. There's good reason to think we can really win voters in the Northeast, taking back states like New Jersey or New Hampshire. And we can't forget about Pennsylvania. You'll see.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2121, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1006, \"description\": \"I'm still a bit worried about these polls in the West. Call out Governor Schwarzenegger -- the people love him -- and we'll hit the swing states out there. There's a lot of voters here we might be missing out on.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2122, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1006, \"description\": \"We're in for a major problem if we can't pull the Midwest. I'm not winning the election if we can't get over the line in Iowa, Wisconsin, and if we want to get a bit greedy, I think we could win a state like Minnesota.\"}}]"); campaignTrail_temp.states_json = JSON.parse("[{\"model\": \"campaign_trail.state\", \"pk\": 181, \"fields\": {\"name\": \"Alabama\", \"abbr\": \"AL\", \"electoral_votes\": 9, \"popular_votes\": 1836441, \"poll_closing_time\": 120, \"winner_take_all_flg\": 1, \"election\": 9}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.state\", \"pk\": 182, \"fields\": {\"name\": \"Alaska\", \"abbr\": \"AK\", \"electoral_votes\": 3, \"popular_votes\": 304796, \"poll_closing_time\": 420, \"winner_take_all_flg\": 1, \"election\": 9}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.state\", \"pk\": 183, \"fields\": {\"name\": \"Arizona\", \"abbr\": \"AZ\", \"electoral_votes\": 10, \"popular_votes\": 1965783, \"poll_closing_time\": 180, \"winner_take_all_flg\": 1, \"election\": 9}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.state\", \"pk\": 184, \"fields\": {\"name\": \"Arkansas\", 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77, \"state_multiplier\": 0.0005}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 8026, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2122, \"state\": 195, \"candidate\": 77, \"affected_candidate\": 77, \"state_multiplier\": 0.004}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 8027, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2122, \"state\": 230, \"candidate\": 77, \"affected_candidate\": 77, \"state_multiplier\": 0.004}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 8028, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2122, \"state\": 202, \"candidate\": 77, \"affected_candidate\": 77, \"state_multiplier\": 0.002}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 8029, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2122, \"state\": 203, \"candidate\": 77, \"affected_candidate\": 77, \"state_multiplier\": 0.001}}]"); campaignTrail_temp.answer_feedback_json = JSON.parse("[{\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9001, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3493, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"Touring France, Great Britain, and Germany, you manage to get good press throughout Europe. You get a hero's welcome at home, but ads embellishing Gore's record as president quickly sully your joy.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9002, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3494, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"Some aides warn you that the same mistakes that came with the old show might come up again, but you ignore their whining. It's hard to look presidential while arguing about subway rats.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9003, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2001, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"You frequently go on Fox News and make numerous campaign stops with Republicans across the country, reminding red-blooded Americans that Gore's agenda is radically wrong. Sure enough, they're warmer to you now.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9004, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2002, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"You take on a busy schedule -- interviews with the New York Times, TV dramas about your achievements as mayor, and frequent meetings with celebrities -- but it makes you feel like a giant.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9005, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3393, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"Schmidt is just what the doctor ordered. No longer counted out and left for dead, the Giuliani campaign rises from the dead and brings you to a stunning triumph over McCain in the first-in-the-nation primary.
Maybe you still have it?\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9006, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3394, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"Running as a conservative in New Hampshire comes with many risks, especially since it gives McCain an open lane with the state's large mass of independents. In the end, he narrowly beats you when the votes are cast, but it's closer than what many thought.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9007, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3395, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"While most candidates benefit from barnstorming areas with potential support, the general wisdom so far for your campaign has been the opposite. Through some miracle, you still win New Hampshire, but you could have done better.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9008, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3396, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"Lugar, out of the race after Iowa, agrees to stump for you in New Hampshire. Cellucci is more hesitant, but he makes the last-second decision to drop out only a day before the primary, allowing you to win handily.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9009, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3405, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"Invoking the names of such great men in the face of this incident makes you feel like a leader, stronger than the bumbling fool some of your conservative opponents have portrayed you as. You watch on as the Lott campaign begins to shatter.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9010, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3406, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"You continue to make the normal stops throughout the Mini Tuesday states as Lott's campaign grinds to a halt, staying above the fray as McCain takes charge of the offensive, hoping to save his own behind.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9011, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3407, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"It goes against your nature, even as talking heads from across the political spectrum applaud your choice to stay on your pet issues. Something inside of you stirs as McCain mounts the offensive against the Senate Republican leader.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9012, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3408, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"If nothing else, it feels cathartic to kick the man while he's down. It'll be a setback to your efforts to repair relations with the Southern wing of the party, especially with your own negative remarks about Thurmond, but it'll favor you in the end.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9013, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3337, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"You reaffirm your status as \\\"America's Mayor\\\" as the music swells and the crowd cheers your name. While some latch on to the hawkish undertones of your speech, it works well to unite Republicans around your candidacy.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9014, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3338, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"It should be enough to squash the last vestiges of a right-wing attack on your candidacy, something highly expected at the RNC after Lott was given a primetime slot. Regardless, you head into the general election with a united party.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9015, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3339, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"You've framed your campaign as a manhunt for Osama bin Laden before, and it's more than enough to swell your support within the party. Despite the calm ushering from the White House, the public demands a swift end to the War in Afghanistan.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9016, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3340, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"They'll call it a blunder, but even Trent Lott seems to crack a smile at your pivot to the right. It catches the media off guard, those who had hyped your upcoming speech as a gesture for American unity, which ensures it'll get played back more than Gore's DNC speech.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9017, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3310, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"After all the religious questioning they performed on you over the last year, it feels amazing to cement the Giuliani campaign as the true Godā€‘fearing, Americaā€‘loving campaign you always knew it was. Social conservatives eat this type of thing up.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9018, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3311, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"It's not as if Rick Santorum is much more popular than you up there, but it's the thought that counts. He's able to connect with them differently than anybody else could, the kind of values that enable a winning campaign.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9019, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3312, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"You raise Santorum's hand at your first rally together, praising him as the brightest mind of the conservative movement and a future president \\\"maybe after eight years.\\\" The crowds go wild for this kind of thing.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9020, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3330, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"You've cast doubts about Gore's approach to Afghanistan since day one, and you cite recent events as proof that the current situation is untenable. Polls show that Americans seem to agree with your less nuanced strategy.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9021, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3331, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"This is the same rhetoric you used during the primary, and the public has shown discontent with the slow pace in Afghanistan, with many, including US officials, having expected Bin Laden's capture by now.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9022, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3332, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"Gore continues to claim your foreign policy would lead America down a path of endless wars, while defending his own record on Iraq and Iran. It doesn't work perfectly, but more people than ever are wondering why Gore hasn't gone after Saddam.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9023, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2003, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"Administration officials laugh off your calls for a troop surge as simple-minded and a plan for disaster. Gore himself uses it as proof you're wholly unprepared for the Oval Office, but many Americans agree with your streamlined vision for foreign policy.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9024, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3326, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"Most Americans still fondly remember the Clinton years, and you've been advised not to harp on your personal qualms with Bill and Hillary, but focusing on the state of the economy is a generally good idea.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9025, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3327, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"Your record revitalizing the NYC economy is a key part of your stump speech already, and it's a solvent point. Most Americans support your tax cuts, and more voters than ever agree with your economic plan.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9026, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3328, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"Some people are getting tired of you pivoting every time a domestic issue is asked about, but there's no doubt it's a foreign policy election, and many supporters gladly parrot your talking points about Bin Laden.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9027, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3314, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"Santorum was already more than enough to shift their support with his fiery RNC speech on social issues, but his inflammatory -- sometimes controversial -- rallies stop any large segment of conservative voters from bolting.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9028, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3315, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"This serves as a summary of what the Rudy campaign's main message has been up until this point. Many, including and especially Gore, continue to slam this platform as \\\"watered down\\\" nonsense.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9029, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3316, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"You've been pressing this idea since Lott took the first shots at your campaign last year. It's frustrating that they can't understand you're a red-blooded Republican too, and they only seem annoyed by the condescending response you've given them.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9030, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3317, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"Lott, still frustrated by his campaign's untimely end, reluctantly accepts your meeting and agrees to a full-throated endorsement in exchange for input on certain cabinet positions and administration policy.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9031, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3318, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"It's a good way of dislodging the abortion issue, which has been an annoying stain on your campaign since the early days. For some conservatives, though, it'll never be enough.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9032, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3319, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"This has been the party line for years, but you've been forced to repeat it multiple times over the last few months. Eventually, you begin to grow tired of it, but you know what'll happen if you don't say it.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9033, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3320, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"The pundits roll their eyes and call it a botched attempt at justifying an obvious pivot -- or worse, a flip-flop -- but it's a line that many Republicans gladly eat up. Christian groups also welcome your admitted change of heart on the issue.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9034, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3321, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"It's a painfully obvious point, but it only works to reinforce your image as a one-note foreign policy candidate, with the Gore campaign claiming you're too afraid to talk about domestic issues.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9035, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3333, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"It works as intended, but some wonder if the amount of resources it takes up is far more than needed, especially as it produces underwhelming results for the campaign. Your biggest donors don't seem to care for it either.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9036, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3334, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"In their pixelated glory, the videos allow you to talk about the issues on your terms. Although you certainly aren't getting the biggest outreach you could, it may help reinforce enthusiasm for the ticket.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9037, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3335, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"Conservatives work around the clock on the largest operation ever conducted using the young internet. You gloat that Gore can't compete, but their campaign doesn't seem to be trying much anyway.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9038, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3336, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"Gore's people unveil the same old campaign website that Clinton, Dole, and Bush have all already done before, although they test using the web in other ways as well, but it isn't anything serious. You, meanwhile, enjoy your time on the Sunday shows.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9039, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3341, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"Although the Gore economy has been shaky over his first term, he's able to effectively counteract your rhetoric with his own, calling you a pawn of the richest Americans while his ads show photos of your glamorous New York City fundraisers.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9040, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3342, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"Democrats continue to claim that your campaign is dumbing down how foreign policy actually works, to which you respond that \\\"Gore's foreign policy isn't working.\\\" The crowds clap, but nobody knows what that really means.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9041, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3343, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"The Gore administration has been careful in keeping the Clintons at arm's length, but as the campaign has started, Bill and Hillary have shown up more and more often. Hillary taunts you, knowing that you're too busy to respond.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9042, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2004, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"Your life story is glorified, connecting early life in crime-ridden Brooklyn to your ascension as Mayor of New York City, working to fight crime and work for the people. It's hard for Democrats to attack, and swing voters love it.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9043, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3322, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"Energy is a rare domestic issue you've been able to effectively beat the president on according to polling, and a majority of people agree with your proposals more than they agree with his policy. This can only bode well for you.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9044, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3323, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"Energy Secretary Charles Curtis, although not mentioning you by name, pressures people to read Boxer-Dingell before jumping to conclusions. The president himself lambasts you for lying about his policy, but you refuse to back down.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9045, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3324, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"You manage to come across as a common-sense voice in the climate-debate, as some accuse President Gore of being an alarmist. The campaign is quick to promote its platform promise of taking care of the environment without hurting coal jobs.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9046, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3325, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"Some snidely remark that you look completely out of place in rundown towns compared to your normal habitat of high-end restaurants and donor retreats, but you manage to get the point across to the crowds that attend your events.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9047, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3478, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"Tabloid magazines are the first ones to push a story that you lived with a gay family in your younger days, and soon enough Democratic operatives are dredging up any dirt that they possibly can, calling you the most gay-friendly major party nominee in history.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9048, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3479, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"It's good to say that it was a power issue rather than a belief one, but some see this as a blatant switch in positions for political gain, and some just hear you gladly stating you're washy on the policy.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9049, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3480, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"Gore has been asked about gay marriage, offering offensive jokes about the time you dressed in drag with Donald Trump, claiming you're the candidate most supportive of gay rights. Needless to say, you explode at him verbally at your next rally.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9050, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2005, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"This is a good way to pivot, managing to separate yourself from the Gore campaign's attacks on your personal life, shifting it to the policy, a state-by-state issue. Some social conservatives wish you'd be less hesitant on this, though.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9051, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3425, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"Republicans on the Hill, whose statements have been to a similar effect, continue to poke and prod the Gore administration and Defense Secretary Norman Dicks into answering \\\"what the hold up is.\\\"\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9052, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3426, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"You continue to claim that only a Giuliani administration has the courage and commitment to end the war with an honorable victory, and once again you're criticized for having a simplistic view on foreign policy and the war.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9053, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3427, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"The Gore campaign, despite protests from their own left flank, flaunt their air strikes against the Saddam regime as proof that they're not soft on Iraq. Furthermore, the president claims your stance on Iraq would only serve to hasten the search for Osama bin Laden.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9054, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3428, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"John McCain joins you in Colorado Springs for a major event focused on the troop surge plan. He claims that it's the best way to put country first, and capture Bin Laden swiftly.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9055, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3381, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"You've been refusing to take questions about this since New Hampshire, and it's only worked well for you thus far, even as your opponents continue to pressure you. Don't expect them to stop any time soon.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9056, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3382, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"It's a hard thing to justify, especially as your first wife, Regina, as well as your second wife, Donna, both condemn your skewed memories of the divorces. They both claim you're a complete liar, and the Gore campaign is more than happy to agree with them.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9057, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3383, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"Gore has put in the work separating himself from Clinton over the past four years, and not many people outside the fringes really believe that he's relevant to White House policy. Gore nor Clinton have anything to say about your comments.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9058, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3384, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"Keeping the focus on policy may be just about the only thing you can do, even if domestic affairs aren't your strong spot. Gore's only response to your deflection, beyond the normal ads, is campaigning with Tipper. That's about all he needs to do.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9059, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3390, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"This is standard political jockeying, and it moves very few people either way. The Cuban community in Florida agrees with these comments, although they're already particularly sour on Gore.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9060, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3391, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"It's a bad line to run on. You know that, and your face contorts in regret the moment you say it. There's hardly any time before the Gore team begins running ads claiming you're a puppet of big pharma.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9061, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3392, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"It's a quote straight out of Saturday Night Live, and their writers only wish they came up with it first. Some wonder what you mean by \\\"take care of yourself,\\\" although you're eventually forced to explain that you were simply saying Americans need to watch their health better.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9062, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2006, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"This works well enough as the workshopped Republican plan opposite of the Patient's Bill of Rights, although Gore attacks it as a watered down and ineffective idea.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9063, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3370, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"Liberal bloggers snide that you're criticizing the president for working too hard, but you're quick to restate the part about ineffective policy. The over-rehearsed \\\"Hey Al\\\" line isn't much cared for, for what it's worth.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9064, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3371, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"Many roll their eyes at this, but re-running ads glorifying your time fighting the mob in New York City is enough to keep the average voter away from your record on education, and more interested in friendly issues.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9065, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3372, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"This has been your flagship education policy since day one of your campaign, and many Americans agree with these proposals. This answer does anger teachers' unions, healing their previously lukewarm relationship with the Gore administration.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9066, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3373, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"Evangelical groups eat this rhetoric up, even as your opponents, and much of the media, decry you for not respecting religious freedom. Some go as far as claiming a Giuliani administration would end the separation of church and state.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9067, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3366, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"Going fisticuffs with Gore, it's a far cry from the yawning and compassionate rhetoric of the debates four years ago. When all is said and done, the president is unable to keep up, and you're narrowly declared the winner by the opinion polls.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9068, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3367, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"It's very unlike you -- far closer to \\\"America's Mayor\\\" than anything the public has seen since this campaign season kicked off. That being said, your niceties only allow President Gore to control the narrative, and it's viewed as a draw by the pundits and polls.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9069, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3368, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"Tempering your behavior without losing your personality, you manage to dismantle the incumbent in what is viewed as an upset by many viewers. Those who watched agreed you won on the personality, the issues, and came off as adequately presidential.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9070, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3369, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"The Gore campaign chides you on the airwaves, calling you chicken, but they're quickly flushed out by your own ads. Those who watch your \\\"Primetime Pitch\\\" say it's more QVC than Ronald Reagan.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9071, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3417, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"Although it's not as strong as after 9/11, even internationally, the warm welcome and excellent PR you find yourself with in Paris is enough to make the whole thing worth it. You remark that Gore doesn't get this kind of applause at home, let alone abroad.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9072, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3418, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"You've positioned yourself as the candidate who is strongest on Israel, especially with your intense antagonism to Saddam's Iraq, as well as Iran. Some accuse you of fanning the flames, but you only claim to be a good friend.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9073, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3419, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"Some see it as bizarre and a wasted opportunity, mostly because the Italian-American community isn't particularly integral to electoral politics, but you enjoy your time at \\\"home\\\" and find Silvio Berlusconi to almost be a mirror of yourself in many ways.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9074, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3420, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"As it turns out, your firm's work in Mexico City hasn't been entirely effective, as it has received major flack over the past few years. You quickly pivot to the immigration and border issue.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9075, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3355, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"Many see you as the consensus candidate on gun control, with a majority of people agreeing on the premise that it's a \\\"state-by-state issue,\\\" although others point out yet another obvious flip-flop from within the campaign.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9076, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3356, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"These questions are tough to dodge, especially when narrowed down to just the assault weapons ban, which you also attempt to tiptoe around. Eventually, you make it clear the Giuliani campaign opposes the assault weapons ban.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9077, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3357, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"Attempts to rationalize your pivot don't go over well, as you concede that gun control is needed in extreme situations. You attempt to rectify this on The O'Reilly Factor, talking about Reagan's approach to the issue as Governor of California, but not a lot of people buy it.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9078, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3358, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"It's like a breath of fresh air, being able to attack Gore as the sinner for once. Both campaigns run ads attacking the other as a gun grabber, and the effect of it all is muddled when said and done.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9079, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3388, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"President Gore talking about creating a \\\"greener Afghanistan\\\" gives your quip more credence. As the issue becomes the right-wing talking point, you gladly make sure you're the one pushing it the hardest.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9080, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3389, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"Shove it down the viewers throats they do, gladly, especially as Gore talks about creating a \\\"greener Afghanistan.\\\" Conservative media runs circles around his green agenda, while you continue to talk about capturing Bin Laden.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9081, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2007, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"Your attempts at invoking Reagan are not lost on the media, and the appeal to traditional energy sources will be a boon for you in coal and oil states. Gore quickly backpedals on the issue.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9082, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3481, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"It's good to tie Gore's crime policy to his Afghanistan strategy, but some feel that you're not focusing enough on the true absurdity of the opium protection. Gore himself is quick to reverse this policy, still claiming it never truly existed in the first place.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9083, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3482, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"Some senator quips that you can only talk about \\\"a noun, a verb, and Bin Laden,\\\" but sometimes it feels like you're the only person who cares about this. You're soon overjoyed as a new CNN poll shows that the majority of Americans agree with you.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9084, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3483, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"The Gore administration continues to claim that the policy doesn't even exist, even as they reverse it, but you continue to press on, promising to launch an investigation into the opium protection once in office.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9085, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2008, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"Conservative political cartoonists draw sketches of Gore leading military officials into San Francisco to protect hippies and pot dealers. On the other hand, some criticize you for not being harsher on this.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9086, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3344, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"You sit back and watch as Gore does absolutely nothing, criticizing Putin and promising no American involvement in Russian affairs. Your heart tells you to say something while it's still in the news cycle, but Condi, once again, tells you to keep it quiet.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9087, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3345, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"It's not a very good look when Putin praises you on Russian television, but you persist nonetheless. Steve Schmidt and Condi are quick to make you walk back the comments, but not before Gore publicly lambasts you for them.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9088, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3346, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"Not many people are willing to make the kind of assertions you're implying here, but friendly talk show and TV hosts get the point across. Even when asked about it outright, you play coy, pivoting to 9/11 and Bin Laden.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9089, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2009, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"The Gore administration tacitly reminds you that you have zero foreign policy experience besides vacations and world tours, with the president having a rare emotional outburst about your \\\"completely aloof\\\" comments.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9090, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3464, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"The Gore team cuts ads portraying him as the \\\"tough on illegal immigration\\\" candidate, much like Clinton had in '96. Naturally, they claim that your policy will lead to a surge in border crossings, and a weaker response to them.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9091, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3465, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"While many agree with the sentiment, immigration isn't a top priority for voters, and they don't feel as disgusted with Gore and Congress as you are. Some also criticize you for a lack of a real answer here.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9092, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3466, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"Laying out your policy as the common-sense consensus approach has done you good thus far, even if some on your right flank think it doesn't go far enough. A majority of Americans agree with your plan.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9093, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3467, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"Your admission that you'd allow so many undocumented immigrants to stay in the nation has caused a small rebellion to your right, but it's more appealing to moderates and independents.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9094, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3453, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"Close aides saw this issue as an ambush in waiting -- a trap that you were doomed to fall right into -- and they can breath a sigh of relief knowing you didn't take the bait.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9095, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3454, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"Some call it a gaffe, but you double down, praising George Bush as a good man, who would have been an even greater president. Bush, who has been quietly campaigning for you since the RNC, appreciates your support.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9096, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3455, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"Democrats attack you as a bigot, but you continue to deflect, talking about the diversity of New York City. As long as you keep angling it as an anti-terrorism issue, you shouldn't get harmed on this stance.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9097, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3456, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"Your assertion that Gore is at war with religion in general is mocked by late night hosts and pundits alike, but it's a good way of taking the focus away from the bigotry charges levied against you.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9101, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2101, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"The attacks against your character are met with widespread condemnation from around the political world, from Mayor Ferrer in New York City to President Gore himself. Despite this, some continue making the attack.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9102, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2102, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"Gore makes a muted statement condemning the attacks against you, but some in his camp, especially on the Internet, continue to make the slanderous allegations. Many claim your frantic reaction is proof of guilt.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9103, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2103, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"Unfortunately, many do buy into the ads, and they claim that your silence is proof of guilt. When you finally do give a proper response, it comes off as awkward and more rehearsed than usual.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9104, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2104, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"You're condemned across the spectrum for this comment, as Gore accuses you of being a \\\"conspiracy theorist,\\\" pushing dangerous concepts for someone with your platform. To some, it's more proof of guilt.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9105, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2105, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"Adding that you disagree with him only makes Santorum feel like you've thrown him under the bus, something which Lieberman is glad to poke into in the following vice presidential debate.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9106, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2106, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"It's quickly proven that Santorum did in fact say this, despite the great show of denial put forth by both you and the Senator. This makes for awkward scenes at the following vice presidential debate.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9107, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2107, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"Santorum is more than happy that you're defending him, especially now that the focus has been shifted away from his comments, and onto yours. This makes for controversy that Lieberman is glad to exploit at the following vice presidential debate.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9108, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2108, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"Continuing to needle the administration for their environmentalism has done you good thus far, as it slowly has proved to be a wedge issue in the campaign. Many, however, scoff at your plans, calling them bizarre and unrealistic.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9109, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2109, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"Some decry it as a poorly thought out reaction to Gore's foreign policy, but many within the Republican Party applaud you for taking this strong stance. The president quips that you don't seem to understand the Cold War ended over a decade ago.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9110, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2110, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"Produce a great ad they do, tying together Gore's \\\"commitment issues\\\" on various policies throughout the last four years; anything that isn't 'green,' that is. Most, though, only wonder if you could do any better.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9111, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2111, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"You dream big, maybe too big, as the plans you describe would cost Lord knows how much money, for a questionable end goal. Your opponents are quick to attack it as a waste of taxpayers' dollars.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9112, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2112, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"America wishes to dream big in these dreary times, even as some of your opponents cast doubt on your optimism. NASA makes it clear this projection is incredibly unlikely.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9113, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2113, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"Sometimes it doesn't hurt to be optimistic. Many feel disappointed as you backpedal on the aspirational 2014 goal, but it's mocked less by the media and your opponents.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9114, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2114, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"\\\"If only it were that simple,\\\" snicker the Gore campaign as they attack your simple-minded idea of how leadership works. Despite this, many take your promises as a great act of courage.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9115, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2115, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"This gives you much-needed momentum heading into election day, bringing the main focus back to your central issue, catching Osama bin Laden. Gore walks the comment back, but the damage is already done.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9116, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2116, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"Angling it as a leak of sensitive military plans is a good way to frame the gaffe, allowing you to attack Gore's competence while keeping the focus on catching Bin Laden. The administration claims you're overblowing the issue, but you continue to keep the pressure on them.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9117, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2117, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"Democrats claim you're the one disrespecting American soldiers by playing this card, with cable news pundits fuming over your comments about Gore using active service members as \\\"tools.\\\"\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9118, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2118, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"Many accuse you of spreading conspiracies about the administration, but you continue to play coy, stating you're just asking questions. Military leaders and the DoD are forced to assure Americans that there is \\\"no intentional delay in military operations.\\\"\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9119, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2119, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"You campaign through the sunshine state with Jeb, his brother George tagging along as well. The media angles it as a redemption tour. Godspeed, Rudy.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9120, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2120, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"The energy isn't as strong as some advisors would like, but you attract big crowds heading throughout the Northeast. You end the campaign at home in NYC. Godspeed, Rudy.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9121, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2121, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"Campaigning with Arnold, you attract large crowds in Colorado, Utah, Nevada, and end the campaign season with a large rally in Los Angeles. You feel more powerful than ever. Godspeed, Rudy.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9122, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2122, \"candidate\": 77, \"answer_feedback\": \"You've had a hard time getting your numbers up in these states since your loss to McChrystal in the Iowa caucuses, and it's seen as your weakest region. You now hope to rectify these issues. Godspeed, Rudy.\"}}]"); campaignTrail_temp.candidate_image_url = 'https://i.imgur.com/Koo664I.png'; campaignTrail_temp.running_mate_image_url = 'https://i.imgur.com/nOLdRsA.png'; campaignTrail_temp.candidate_last_name = 'Giuliani'; campaignTrail_temp.running_mate_last_name = 'Santorum'; campaignTrail_temp.running_mate_state_id = '218'; campaignTrail_temp.player_answers = []; campaignTrail_temp.player_visits = []; campaignTrail_temp.answer_feedback_flg = 1; campaignTrail_temp.game_start_logging_id = '3660989'; /* (_) <___> | |______ | |* * * ) | | * * (_________ | |* * * |* *|####) | | * * *| * | (________________ | |* * * |* *|####|##############| | | * * *| * | | | | |* * * |* *|####|##############| | |~~~~~~| * | | | | |######|* *|####|##############| | | |~~~' | | | |######|########|##############| | | | | | | |######|########|##############| | |~~~~~~| | | | | |########|##############| | | '~~~~~~~~| | | | |##############| | | '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | | */ // THE EXTRAS...meaning endings and anything else needed // If you lose the New Hampshire primary, the question will reflect that // If you can't stop talking about 9/11 or Bin Laden you can accomplish something amazing campaignTrail_temp.cyoa = true let sept11 = 0 cyoAdventure = function (a) { ans = campaignTrail_temp.player_answers[campaignTrail_temp.player_answers.length - 1] if(ans == 3394){ campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[2].fields.description = "The primary race has become a dogfight; Trent Lott's campaign poses a major threat in the South, with McCain lurking behind.
Comments from Lott praising Strom Thurmond's 1948 campaign have resurfaced recently. Will you pour gas on the fire?" } if(ans == 2002 | ans == 3337 | ans == 3339 | ans == 3331 | ans == 3328 | ans == 3315 | ans == 3321 | ans == 3342 | ans == 3322 | ans == 3425 | ans == 3371 | ans == 3417 | ans == 3388 | ans == 3482 | ans == 3455 | ans == 2101 | ans == 2103 | ans == 2110 | ans == 2114 | ans == 2115 | ans == 2116 | ans == 2117 | ans == 2118){ sept11++; } } // Achievement processing-specific functions ach = function(achievement) { if(campaignTrail_temp.difficulty_level_multiplier<=0.97 && campaignTrail_temp.CTS){ unlockAchievement(achievement); } } stcount = function(st, cid) { let j = 0; campaignTrail_temp.final_state_results.forEach((s) => {if(s["result"][0]["candidate"]==cid){if(st.includes(s["state"])){j++;}}}) console.log(j); if(j==st.length){ return true; } return false; } // Endings image function imggg = function(sr) { imgg = document.getElementsByClassName("person_image")[0]; if (imgg != null) { imgg.src = sr; } } // Endings (most of this is self explanatory) campaignTrail_temp.multiple_endings = true endingPicker = (out, totv, aa, quickstats) => { //out = "win", "loss", or "tie" for your candidate //totv = total votes in entire election //aa = all final overall results data //quickstats = relevant data on candidate performance (format: your candidate's electoral vote count, your candidate's popular vote share, your candidate's raw vote total) let pva = aa[0]["popular_votes"] pva = pva/totv // More achievement handling if(out=="win"){ ach("Jesusland"); } if(out=="win" && campaignTrail_temp.difficulty_level_multiplier<=0.9){ ach("Not Because It Is Easy"); } let djst = [185, 187, 189, 191, 193, 195, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 210, 211, 212, 217, 218, 219, 225, 227, 228, 230] let shst = [185, 187, 191, 193, 195, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 210, 211, 212, 217, 218, 219, 225, 227, 228, 230] if(out=="win" && quickstats[0]==278 && stcount(shst, 78)){ ach("This One's For Shrub"); } let s11c = 0; if(campaignTrail_temp.global_parameter_json[0].fields.question_count <= 25){ s11c = 12; } else { s11c = 18; } if(out=="win" && sept11 >= s11c){ ach("Never Forget"); } if(out=="lose" && quickstats[0]==251 && stcount(djst, 78)){ ach("Deja Vu"); } // Definition of 21st century landslide: Any margin greater than Barack Obama had in 2008 if(out=="win" && quickstats[1]>(6949851600/131313820)){ return "

America's Leader

They dared to doubt you, and now they look like fools. It isn't just a win, it's a trashing in favor of the Republicans. All the way from the top of the ballot, where President Gore has solemnly conceded his throne -- clearly shaken by his loss -- to downballot races, where Republicans are unseating Democrats like clockwork. It's the Reagan Revolution all over again.

It's numbing; you can hardly move as you're shuffled out for a victory speech. The White House is yours: yours to finally catch Bin Laden, and end the war in Afghanistan with total victory; to face down Saddam Hussein and Ayatollah Khamenei; and bring hope back to a nation lacking in moral leadership over the past twelve years.

The world is in your hands now, as you go from America's Mayor to leader of the free world. So please be careful, okay?

" } else if (out=="win" && quickstats[1]>50){ return "

Not Because It Was Easy

The outcome isn't entirely surprising, but that doesn't mean it's not a hard-fought win. They had you down for the count, but your faith and trust in the American people has triumphed over the slander of your opponents. President Gore gives you a quick concession over the phone, and you then speak to a raucous crowd of supporters in New York.

This is what the American Dream is about, isn't it? A poor boy like you, rising all the way to the White House. This is what Jack and Bobby Kennedy would have wanted. They must be looking down on you, proud.

Much like your idols, you'll no doubt have to face enemies, domestic and foreign, unseen before. Expect to work with your new cabinet and Congress on fighting Bin Laden and global terror, while rolling out tax cuts for American families. Just be wary of a Hillary Clinton (or John Edwards?) challenge in 2008.

" } else if (out=="win"){ return "

Don't Call It A Comeback

They'll never let you live this one down. It was supposed to be easy; on paper you should have beat Gore in a landslide. Of course, you did win, but since when was victory so bitter? Regardless, you've single handedly ended 12 years of Clinton-Gore rule, although you barely came out the other end alive.

Don't expect an easy time in the Oval Office. Democrats still command power in Washington, and the establishment, media, and even your own party are waiting in the wings like vultures, stalking for a sign of weakness. Your steps on nearly every issue will be met with deep scrutiny, including the hunt for Osama bin Laden.

You shake off the fear. You're president-elect now. President Rudy Giuliani, and they won't be taking that title away from you any time soon. Just expect a Hillary Clinton (or John Edwards?) challenge in 2008.

" } else if (out=="tie"){ ach("Split Decision"); return "

Split Decision

\"You're fucking kidding me,\" you rant to advisors. \"This has to be some sick jokeā€¦ they're calling me a what?\" It's a deadlock, they say, and now the House and Senate will decide the fate of the next administration.

Thankfully for you, House Republicans control a majority of the delegations, and soon enough you'll be confirmed as President of the United States. The Senate is a more complicated affair; there's some struggle between Lieberman and Santorum, but in the end, Lieberman keeps the confidence of his former colleagues and wins re-election.

A Giuliani-Lieberman administration is just enough to piss off just about everyone you spent years courting. Even worse, some are calling you an illegitimate president. You take solace in the fact they accused Jack Kennedy of those very same things, and hope to work beyond this fractured beginning for an America once again inspired by their leaders.

" } else if (out=="loss" && pva<0.5){ return "

Close, But No Cigar

It wasn't supposed to have happened like this. You prepared for years to get to this point, to defeat Al Gore, and then Bin Laden. Where did it all go wrong? What did you do? Was it the scandals? The slander? None of it makes sense.

You don't call Gore right away. Instead, you pray for a miracle that will deliver you victory. But ultimately, all you get is recounts that go nowhere. You concede the election to President Gore, giving him muted recommendations you know will be ignored. Despite its close nature, it's a crushing defeat in your heart -- so close yet so far for \"America's Mayor.\"

Expect Al Gore to continue pushing his green agenda and more government regulations. At least the Republicans in the House will push back on his excesses. Meanwhile, your performance was enough to stay relevant in Republican circles; some even want you to run for the Senate in 2006. Perhaps it's better to stay on cable news or write a memoir.

" } else if (out=="loss" && pva<(69498516/131313820)){ return "

I'm Going Home

It just can't be true. There's no way that Gore managed to win by such a margin, even with 9/11, even with the war, you tell yourself it's physically impossible. Your first thought is fraud, but your advisors -- Condi, Steve -- and the rest of the GOP establishment stop any talk of that in its tracks.

There's nothing much you can do. The dreams of a modern Camelot fall to the wayside as you watch the incumbent commander-in-chief give a victory speech. You concede in front of a deflated crowd of supporters in New York soon after; it's the least you could do to comfort them, and yourself.

Expect Al Gore to continue pushing his green agenda and more government regulations. Maybe he'll touch healthcare next. Meanwhile, you can enjoy a nice retirement, with perhaps a memoir and some TV specials to keep you occupied.

" } else if (out=="loss" && pva>=(69498516/131313820)){ return "

Never Again

You tell yourself it gets worse before it gets better, and then it never gets better. How? It's a landslide vindication for Al Gore and his liberal agenda, the cynical Clintonite policy he will be sure to pass with his newfound Congressional strength. It's enough to make you throw up.

You told your country of a great story, the American Dream, but your attempts to give them hope for the next generation have been firmly rejected. They cherished you, they loved you until you dared to try and love them back. You've been handed a total condemnation of your policy, personality, and campaign.

Now, it's onto you to figure out what's next. No matter what, you'll still be able to enjoy retirement, after a decade and a half in the public eye. Perhaps you can write a memoir or start a charity to keep yourself occupied.

" } else { return "

this broke

please send a screenshot of this over to /u/astrohunch_o, as well as the json gamefile (important). if you see this screen it means that the endings broke.

" } }